Laboratory Furniture Fume Hood plan design and supply - Cartmay Industrial

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Name: Frank Chen
Tel: +86-519-88500208
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Add: Weixing Industrial Park, Henglin Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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Laboratory furniture project completed in Saudi Arabia
 Laboratory furniture project completed in Saudi Arabia
This project include 8 physical laboratory rooms, 6 physical laboratory rooms and 5 biology laboratory rooms 

Chemistry Laboratory Furniture
Each room include 3 set Island bench, each bench with sink, lab tap, pegboard, reagent shelf, gas fitting, electric socket and emergency switch. 
One set Fume hood with PP fan, Fume hood with gas fitting, water tap, sink,  4 set electric socket, and emergency switch.
One set teacher bench, Techen bench include one set sink, water mixer, gas fitting, electric socket. 
3 set side wall benches, side bench include one set sink, water mixer, gas fitting, electric trunking with electric sockets and emergency switch.

Biology Laboratory Furniture
Each room include 2 set Island bench, each bench with sink, lab tap, pegboard, reagent shelf, gas fitting, electric socket and emergency switch. 
One set Fume hood with PP fan, Fume hood with gas fitting, water tap, sink,  4 set electric socket, and emergency switch.
One set teacher bench, Techen bench include one set sink, water mixer, gas fitting, electric socket. 
3 set side wall benches, side bench include one set sink, water mixer, gas fitting, electric trunking with electric sockets and emergency switch.